Having houseplants can bring joy, beauty, and life into your home. But when you don’t properly care for your plants, they can quickly become a source of frustration.
One of the most common problems encountered with houseplants is overwatering. If you have an overwatered ZZ plant, all hope isn’t lost; there are several steps you can take to save it!

What Is an Overwatered ZZ Plant?
The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its low maintenance requirements.
This evergreen perennial is native to eastern Africa and has beautiful glossy leaves that make it a fantastic choice for both indoor and outdoor gardens alike.
While the ZZ plant can survive in a variety of soil types, it does not tolerate overwatering well. When exposed to too much water, the leaves will start to yellow or die off completely.
Signs of an Overwatered Plant
Any of the plants can be overwatered, but the ZZ plant can be particularly sensitive to this issue.
Here are some problems you may encounter if you overwater your ZZ plant:
1. Yellow or wilted leaves.
This is one of the most common signs of overwatering, as leaves will start to turn yellow or wilt when they receive too much water.
2. Root rot or mold growth on the soil.
Overwatering often leads to an increase in mold growth and root rot, which can kill off your ZZ plant if left untreated.
3. Stunted growth or even plant death.
If your ZZ plant remains overwatered for too long, it may experience stunted growth or even die off completely. This is why it’s important to identify and address any signs of overwatering as soon as possible in order to give your plant the best chance at recovery.
4. A faint odor coming from the roots.
If you notice a faint odor coming from the roots of your ZZ plant, it could also be a sign of overwatering. You may want to take a closer look and see if any other signs are present as well.
How To Save An Overwatered ZZ Plant
If you’ve noticed any of these signs in your own ZZ Plant, don’t panic!
Here are some tips on how to save it:
1. Take the Plant Out Of Its Pot
The first thing you should do is take the plant out of its pot and examine the roots carefully. Look for any signs of root rot such as blackened roots or discoloration.
It helps if you gently wash off the roots in order to get a better look at them.
2. Remove Any Damaged Roots
You should then remove any damaged or rotten roots using clean scissors or pruners. This step may seem harsh but it’s essential if you want to save your plant!
3. Allow The Roots To Dry
Once all damaged roots have been removed, allow them time to dry out completely before repotting your ZZ Plant in new soil with good drainage capabilities (such as cacti mix).
It helps if you place your potted plant in indirect sunlight so that it does not receive too much light at once.
4. Water Properly
Finally, once you’ve repotted your plant with fresh soil, begin watering again but be sure not to overdo it! Water when the top inch of soil feels dry and then water deeply so that moisture reaches all parts of the pot.
Allow excess water to drain away from the bottom before placing back into its saucer/tray so that no standing water remains around the base of the pot after watering has finished.
With proper care and attention, a stressed-out ZZ Plant can be saved and brought back to life!
By following these simple steps regularly and treating your plant with love and respect, you should be able to enjoy its lush green foliage again soon enough!
What causes overwatering, and how can I prevent it in the future?
There are several factors that can contribute to overwatering, including poor drainage or soil conditions, inconsistent watering schedules, and too much direct sunlight.
To prevent overwatering in the future, you should be mindful of these factors and adjust your watering practices as needed.
This may include using soil with good drainage capabilities, monitoring the moisture levels in your plant’s soil more closely, and choosing a location for your plant that receives more indirect sunlight.
Additionally, it is also important to water your plant consistently but not excessively, taking care not to overwater it even if conditions seem favorable for growth.
By following these tips and paying attention to any signs of overwatering, you can help keep your ZZ Plant healthy and thriving for years to come!
How often should I water my ZZ plant?
The best way to determine if your ZZ plant needs watering is by checking to see if the top inch or two of the soil feels dry.
You can also look for other signs of over- or under-watering, such as wilting, yellowing leaves, or leaves that are drooping or curled.
Generally, it is best to water your ZZ plant once every week or two, depending on the conditions in which it is growing.
You should avoid overwatering, as this can be a common cause of leaf curl and other problems for your plant.
If you are in doubt about whether or not to water your ZZ plant, it is best to err on the side of caution and give it less rather than more water until you have a better sense of how much it needs.
With the right care, your ZZ plant should be able to flourish and grow healthy and strong.
So, how to save overwatered ZZ plants? To save an overwatered ZZ plant, you should start by removing any damaged roots and allowing the remaining roots to dry out completely before repotting in new soil with good drainage.
Additionally, it is important to provide consistent but not excessive watering, choose a location for your plant that receives more indirect sunlight and watch for signs of root rot or other damage.
By following these tips and giving your plant the care that it needs, you can help it recover from overwatering and bounce back to its former glory!
Whether you’re just starting out in your gardening adventures or you’ve been tending to plants for years, keeping a ZZ Plant healthy requires constant care and attention, particularly when it comes to watering practices.
Overwatering is a common issue that can quickly lead to root rot and other damage, but with the proper care techniques, it’s possible to avoid these problems altogether.
By learning about what causes overwatering, how to prevent it in the future, and what to do if your plant has already been affected by this issue, you can help your ZZ Plant stay healthy and thrive long into the future!
Related FAQs:
How do I know if my ZZ plant is overwatered?
Signs of overwatering in a ZZ plant include yellow or wilted leaves, root rot, mold growth on the soil, stunted growth, or a faint odor coming from the roots.
Can an overwatered ZZ plant be saved?
Yes, an overwatered ZZ plant can be saved by carefully removing damaged roots, allowing the remaining roots to dry out, and repotting in well-draining soil. Proper watering practices thereafter are crucial for recovery.
What causes overwatering in ZZ plants?
Overwatering in ZZ plants can be caused by factors such as poor drainage or soil conditions, inconsistent watering schedules, and excessive exposure to direct sunlight.
How can I prevent overwatering my ZZ plant in the future?
To prevent overwatering, use soil with good drainage, monitor soil moisture levels closely, adjust watering practices accordingly, and place the plant in a location with indirect sunlight.
How often should I water my ZZ plant?
Water your ZZ plant once every week or two, depending on soil moisture levels and environmental conditions. Avoid overwatering and only water when the top inch or two of soil feels dry.
What should I do if my ZZ plant shows signs of overwatering?
If your ZZ plant shows signs of overwatering, take immediate action by checking the roots for damage, allowing them to dry out, and adjusting watering practices to prevent further damage.
Can ZZ plants recover from root rot caused by overwatering?
ZZ plants can recover from root rot caused by overwatering if the issue is addressed promptly. By removing damaged roots, allowing the remaining roots to dry, and providing appropriate care, the plant has a chance of recovery.
Is repotting necessary to save an overwatered ZZ plant?
Repotting may be necessary to save an overwatered ZZ plant if the current soil is retaining too much moisture. Repotting into fresh, well-draining soil can help the roots recover and prevent future overwatering issues.
How do I remove damaged roots from an overwatered ZZ plant?
Use clean scissors or pruners to carefully remove damaged or rotten roots from the ZZ plant. Trim away any mushy or discolored roots, ensuring to make clean cuts to prevent further damage.
Should I prune the leaves of an overwatered ZZ plant?
While pruning may not be necessary for overwatered ZZ plants unless the leaves are severely damaged, you can trim away any yellowed or wilted leaves to improve the plant’s appearance and encourage new growth.
What type of soil is best for ZZ plants to prevent overwatering?
ZZ plants require well-draining soil to prevent overwatering and root rot. A cactus or succulent potting mix, or a blend of regular potting soil with perlite or sand for added drainage, is suitable for ZZ plants.
Can I use a moisture meter to determine when to water my ZZ plant?
Yes, a moisture meter can be a helpful tool to gauge soil moisture levels and determine when to water your ZZ plant. Insert the probe into the soil near the plant’s roots and water when the meter indicates that the soil is dry.
Is it possible to revive a severely overwatered ZZ plant?
Reviving a severely overwatered ZZ plant can be challenging but not impossible. By following proper care techniques such as removing damaged roots, allowing the plant to dry out, and adjusting watering practices, there’s a chance the plant can recover over time.
Should I fertilize an overwatered ZZ plant during its recovery?
It’s best to avoid fertilizing an overwatered ZZ plant during its recovery period. Focus on providing the plant with proper care, including appropriate watering and light conditions, before considering fertilization to avoid stressing the plant further.
Can I propagate a ZZ plant from cuttings taken during its recovery from overwatering?
Yes, you can propagate a ZZ plant from stem cuttings taken during its recovery from overwatering. Allow the cuttings to callus over for a few days before planting them in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil lightly moist until new growth appears.
How long does it take for an overwatered ZZ plant to recover?
The recovery time for an overwatered ZZ plant depends on the severity of the damage and how well it responds to the corrective measures taken. In some cases, visible improvement may be seen within a few weeks, while full recovery may take several months.
Can I use a saucer or tray under the pot of my ZZ plant to catch excess water?
Using a saucer or tray under the pot of your ZZ plant can help catch excess water and prevent it from pooling around the base of the pot, reducing the risk of overwatering. However, ensure that the pot is not sitting in water for extended periods to avoid root rot.
Should I adjust my watering schedule during different seasons for my ZZ plant?
Yes, you may need to adjust your watering schedule for your ZZ plant during different seasons. Plants may require more frequent watering during the growing season in spring and summer, while watering frequency may decrease during the dormant period in fall and winter.
Can I use a humidity tray or misting to increase humidity for my ZZ plant?
While ZZ plants can tolerate low humidity levels, you can use a humidity tray filled with water or mist the plant occasionally to increase humidity, especially during dry indoor conditions. However, ensure proper ventilation to prevent fungal issues.
What should I do if my ZZ plant’s leaves are turning yellow even after adjusting watering practices?
If your ZZ plant’s leaves continue to turn yellow despite adjusting watering practices, it may indicate other issues such as nutrient deficiencies, pests, or disease. Conduct a thorough inspection of the plant to identify any additional problems and take appropriate action.
Once the damaged roots have been removed, what should I do to help the plant recover?
In order to help your ZZ Plant recover after overwatering, it is important to allow the remaining roots to dry out completely before repotting in new soil with good drainage.
You may also want to place your potted plant in indirect sunlight so that it does not receive too much light at once.
Once the plant has been repotted and watered properly, you can continue to care for it as usual in order to help it recover and thrive. With proper care and attention, your ZZ Plant should be able to bounce back from overwatering and return to its former glory!
What do I need to know about caring for a stressed-out ZZ Plant?
If your ZZ Plant has been stressed out due to overwatering or other factors, there are several key things that you should keep in mind when caring for it.
These include providing the plant with consistent but not excessive watering, choosing a location for the plant that receives more indirect sunlight and watching for any signs of root rot or other damage.
By following these tips and paying attention to any signs of distress in your ZZ Plant, you can help it recover and begin to flourish once more!