The ZZ plant (Zanzibar Gem) is a popular houseplant due to its ability to tolerate low light conditions and its ease of care.
However, when one notices their ZZ plant’s leaves curling, it can be a sign that something is wrong.
In this article, we’ll discuss some of the potential causes of curled or drooping leaves on your ZZ plant, as well as how you can go about fixing them.
What Causes of My ZZ Plant Leaves Curling?

There can be several causes for the curling of your ZZ plant’s (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) leaves. These include:
Like most houseplants, overwatering is one of the main culprits behind leaf curl on your ZZ plant. The best way to avoid this problem is by only giving your ZZ plant enough water when the top inch or two of the soil feels dry.
On the other hand, underwatering can also cause leaves to curl. If you think this may be the issue for your plant, try increasing the water slightly and check back in a few days to see if there has been any improvement.
Too much direct sunlight can cause leaf curling and burn on your ZZ plant, so it’s always best to avoid any direct sunlight exposure if possible.
If you do have sunlight coming into the area where your ZZ plant resides, try filtering it with sheer curtains or blinds to reduce its intensity before it reaches your plant.
You can also read details about the light requirements of this plant.
Another potential cause for curled leaves on your ZZ plant could be pests such as mealybugs or mites that are feeding off its sap and causing damage.
If this is the case then you will need to treat your plant with an appropriate insecticide as soon as possible in order to get rid of them before they spread further throughout the entire potting medium and foliage.
How Can I Fix My Curled Leaves?
Once you have identified what might be causing leaf curl on your ZZ Plant, here are some tips on how you can go about fixing them:
- Make sure that you are watering at regular intervals when necessary (see above). You should also test out different irrigation techniques such as using less frequent but deeper watering sessions in order to find out what works best for your particular species of houseplant.
- Move your plants away from direct sunlight or use sheer window screens/blinds in order to reduce any burning caused by excessive sunlight exposure.
- Check for signs of pests such as yellow staining or sticky deposits on the surface of leaves which could indicate a pest infestation that needs treating immediately with an appropriate insecticide or miticide product (see below).
- Prune away any browned/dead leaves from time to time in order to encourage dense growth and vigorous health for the rest of the foliage remaining intact on the stem/branches of your specimen(s).

You should also know about how to revive a dying ZZ plant.
Should I Cut Already Curled leaves?
There is no definitive answer to this question, as it will depend on the cause of the curled leaves. For example, if your ZZ plant’s leaves are curling due to under or overwatering, then you should avoid cutting away already curled leaves, as doing so would remove any source of moisture for the rest of the leaves.
On the other hand, if your plant is showing signs of pest or disease damage, then you may need to cut away leaves that appear to be affected in order to limit the further spread and help restore health to the rest of the foliage.
So in general, it’s best to consult with a local garden center or horticultural professional for specific advice on treating your particular ZZ plant’s curled leaves.
Leaf curl is often a sign that something isn’t quite right with a houseplant – whether it’s too little water being provided or pests taking hold which need treating immediately – but thankfully most issues can easily be fixed given enough time and attention!
By following some simple tips outlined above such as providing regular irrigation when necessary, shielding direct sunlight exposure where possible, monitoring for pests regularly, and pruning away dead foliage from time-to-time; to then hopefully, these issues won’t arise again anytime soon!
Related FAQs:
What causes holes in my ZZ plant’s leaves?
There could be several different causes for holes appearing in your ZZ plant’s leaves. These may include insect infestations, mechanical damage from things like pets or children, or even diseases such as rot.
To treat holes in your plant’s leaves, you may need to take steps to remove any pests or damaged tissues, and also make sure that the plant is getting adequate light, water, and nutrients.
It may also help to consult with a local gardening expert or horticulturist for further advice.
How can I treat an infestation of mealybugs or mites on my ZZ plant?
One option for treating a mealybug or mite infestation on your ZZ plant is to use a commercial insecticide or miticide product, typically applied as a spray.
This should be done in accordance with the specific instructions and recommendations on the product packaging, and you may need to repeat the treatment several times in order to fully eliminate the problem.
Another option is to try natural methods such as using essential oils or home remedies like neem oil, vinegar, and soap on your plant.
However, it is important to consult with a gardening professional or horticulturist for more specific advice and recommendations on how to treat these types of pest infestations.
How do I know if my ZZ plant is overwatered or underwatered?
Overwatering can cause yellowing and wilting of leaves, while underwatering can lead to dry and crispy leaves. Check the soil moisture level by feeling the top inch or two of soil; water when it feels dry.
How can I prevent ZZ plant leaves from curling due to sunburn?
Avoid placing ZZ plants in direct sunlight. If sunlight exposure is unavoidable, use sheer curtains or blinds to filter the light and reduce its intensity.
What should I do if my ZZ plant has pests causing leaf curling?
Treat the plant with an appropriate insecticide or miticide to get rid of pests. Monitor the plant regularly for signs of infestation such as yellow staining or sticky deposits on the leaves.
Should I cut already curled leaves on my ZZ plant?
It depends on the cause of the curling. If it’s due to under or overwatering, avoid cutting as it can remove a source of moisture. If caused by pests or disease, cutting affected leaves may help limit further spread.
How do I revive a dying ZZ plant?
Assess the cause of decline (e.g., overwatering, underwatering, pests) and take appropriate actions such as adjusting watering frequency, treating pests, or repotting in fresh soil if root rot is suspected.
Is it necessary to prune ZZ plant leaves?
Pruning browned or dead leaves can promote healthy growth and appearance. However, avoid excessive pruning as it can stress the plant.
Can I use fertilizers to help with leaf curling?
While fertilizers can support overall plant health, they are not typically used specifically to address leaf curling. Focus on correcting underlying issues such as watering and pest management first.
What are the signs of a healthy ZZ plant?
Healthy ZZ plants typically have glossy, dark green leaves that stand upright. They show steady growth and may produce new shoots or stems periodically.
How often should I water my ZZ plant to prevent leaf curling?
Water ZZ plants only when the top inch or two of soil feels dry. Overwatering can lead to root rot and leaf curling, so it’s crucial to let the soil dry out between waterings.
Can ZZ plants tolerate low light conditions?
Yes, ZZ plants are known for their ability to thrive in low light conditions, making them ideal for indoor spaces with minimal natural light.
Should I repot my ZZ plant if its leaves are curling?
Leaf curling alone may not necessitate repotting. However, if the plant is suffering from root rot due to overwatering or if the current pot is too small, repotting into fresh, well-draining soil may help alleviate the issue.
How can I improve air circulation around my ZZ plant?
Placing the ZZ plant in a location with good air circulation, such as near an open window or using a small fan nearby, can help prevent issues such as fungal diseases and stagnant air that may contribute to leaf curling.
Are there any ZZ plant varieties more prone to leaf curling?
While ZZ plants are generally resilient, certain varieties or cultivars may be more sensitive to environmental stressors leading to leaf curling. Observing the specific needs of the cultivar you have can help prevent issues.
Can ZZ plant leaf curling be seasonal?
Yes, environmental changes such as fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels can affect ZZ plants, causing temporary leaf curling. Providing consistent care and adjusting environmental conditions as needed can help mitigate seasonal leaf curling.
Is misting beneficial for ZZ plants with curled leaves?
Misting can temporarily increase humidity around the plant, which may benefit ZZ plants, especially if leaf curling is caused by dry air. However, misting alone may not resolve underlying issues such as over or underwatering.
Should I fertilize my ZZ plant if its leaves are curling?
Fertilizing can help support overall plant health, but it’s not a direct solution to leaf curling. Before fertilizing, address any underlying issues such as watering or pest problems. Use a balanced fertilizer diluted to half-strength and apply during the growing season.
Can ZZ plant leaves curl due to temperature extremes?
Yes, ZZ plant leaves may curl if exposed to extreme temperatures, particularly cold drafts or sudden temperature changes. Maintain consistent room temperatures above 60°F (15°C) and avoid placing ZZ plants near heating or cooling vents.
How can I prevent root rot in my ZZ plant?
To prevent root rot, ensure the ZZ plant is potted in well-draining soil and a container with drainage holes. Avoid overwatering and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Trim any mushy or rotting roots during repotting.
Can ZZ plant leaves recover from curling?
In many cases, ZZ plant leaves can recover from curling once the underlying issue is addressed. With proper care, including appropriate watering, adequate light, and pest management, new growth may emerge with healthy, upright leaves.